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Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy

Discover the power of dual rejuvenation with BeYouty Med Spa's Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy services. These non-invasive treatments exfoliate, cleanse, and revitalize your skin, revealing a brighter, smoother, and more youthful complexion tailored to your unique skincare needs.

a woman with her hair in a ponytail looks at the camera
a woman is getting a facial treatment with a scalpel

A Powerful Duo for Smooth Skin

Dermaplaning is a transformative skincare treatment that uses a specialized scalpel to gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and impurities. This process reveals a smoother, brighter complexion and enhances the effectiveness of other skincare products.

LED phototherapy complements dermaplaning by using varying wavelengths of light to target specific skin concerns such as acne, pigmentation, and inflammation, as well as aiding in post-treatment recovery. These non-invasive treatments are suitable for all skin types and offer multiple benefits including skin rejuvenation, reduction of acne, and improved skin tone. Experience the power of combined skincare therapy at BeYouty Med Spa.

a woman in a white tank top looks at the camera
a woman is getting a facial treatment with a mask on her face

the Benefits of Our Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy Services

Enhanced Product Penetration

Our Dermaplaning service not only exfoliates and smoothens your skin but also enhances the penetration of skincare products, ensuring you get the most out of your skincare routine.

Targeted Treatment

LED Phototherapy at BeYouty Med Spa offers targeted treatment for various skin concerns. Whether you're dealing with acne, pigmentation, or inflammation, our customized light therapy sessions can provide effective solutions.

Immediate Results

Experience immediate skin transformation with our Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy services. From the first session, you'll notice brighter, smoother, and healthier-looking skin.

Our Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy Services

At BeYouty Med Spa, we offer a wide range of Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy services to cater to your unique skincare needs. Our expert aestheticians utilize dermaplaning to exfoliate the skin and remove impurities, effectively addressing issues like dullness, uneven texture, and fine lines. This treatment can be paired with LED phototherapy, which uses specific light wavelengths to target concerns like acne, pigmentation, inflammation, and signs of aging.

We understand that every client's skin is unique, and we tailor our services accordingly to ensure optimal results. Whether you're looking to refresh your complexion, treat specific skin concerns, or boost your overall skin health, our customized treatments offer a solution.

a woman without a shirt is smiling for the camera
a woman laying on a bed getting a facial treatment
a woman without a shirt is smiling for the camera
a woman laying on a bed getting a facial treatment

Our Dermaplaning & Phototherapy Process

At BeYouty Med Spa, your Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy session begins with a detailed consultation to understand your skin concerns and goals. Our expert aestheticians then perform the dermaplaning treatment, gently exfoliating your skin to remove dead cells and impurities. This is followed by LED phototherapy tailored to address your specific skin issues. 

Post-treatment, you can expect to see immediate results such as brighter, smoother skin. Minor redness or sensitivity may occur but usually subsides within a few hours. We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery. Rest assured that these treatments are safe and effective. At BeYouty Med Spa, we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction, providing treatments that deliver exceptional results while adhering to the highest safety standards.

a woman in a white tank top has her hand on her chin
a woman is getting a blue light treatment on her face
a woman in a white tank top has her hand on her chin
a woman is getting a blue light treatment on her face


We understand that you might have questions about our Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy services. To help you better understand these treatments and make an informed decision, we've compiled and answered some of the most frequently asked questions.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • What skin types are suitable for Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy?

    Dermaplaning and LED Phototherapy are versatile treatments that can be beneficial for all skin types. During dermaplaning, our expert aestheticians use a specialized scalpel to gently scrape off dead skin cells, making it an effective treatment for many skin concerns. The procedure can help refresh your skin, reduce fine lines, and improve skincare product absorption. It's also suitable for sensitive skin as it doesn't involve heat or harsh chemicals.

    LED Phototherapy, on the other hand, uses different colors of light wavelengths to address various skin issues. For instance, blue light is used to treat acne, red light promotes collagen production and reduces inflammation, and near-infrared light aids in skin rejuvenation and healing. However, a thorough consultation is always carried out before any treatment at BeYouty Med Spa to assess your skin's condition and determine the best approach for your unique needs.

  • How often should I get Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy treatments?

    The frequency of your Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy treatments is highly dependent on your specific skin concerns and goals. Generally, dermaplaning can be done every 3-4 weeks. This interval allows your skin to complete its natural rejuvenation cycle, ensuring that you're not stripping away healthy skin cells during the procedure.

    LED Phototherapy, being a gentle and non-invasive treatment, can be done more frequently. Depending on the severity of the skin issue being treated, sessions can be scheduled multiple times a week. It's important to note that skincare is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and at BeYouty Med Spa, we create a tailored treatment plan that caters to your individual needs and ensures optimal results.

  • Are there any side effects to these treatments?

    Both Dermaplaning and LED Phototherapy are considered safe, non-invasive treatments with minimal side effects. After dermaplaning, you may experience slight redness or sensitivity in your skin, but this typically subsides within a few hours. It's normal for your skin to feel slightly dry and taut immediately after the procedure. We recommend avoiding direct sun exposure and using a good sunscreen to protect your fresh new layer of skin.

    LED Phototherapy is generally well-tolerated by most clients, with no downtime or adverse reactions. However, it's crucial to use protective eyewear during the treatment due to the bright light. At BeYouty Med Spa, your safety and comfort are our top priorities. We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions and are always available to address any concerns you may have during your recovery period.


Begin Your Journey to Radiant Skin Today

Ready to reveal your skin's true potential? It's time to embark on your journey towards radiant and rejuvenated skin with BeYouty Med Spa's Dermaplaning & LED Phototherapy services. Our team of expert aestheticians is prepared to guide you through this transformative process, ensuring a treatment that's tailored to your unique skincare needs. Don't wait to experience the difference that advanced skincare can make - book your consultation today and let us help you glow from within!

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