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Microneedling Facials

Uncover radiant, rejuvenated skin with BeYouty Med Spa's Microneedling Facials. Our customized treatments stimulate natural collagen production, reducing wrinkles, minimizing scars, and tightening aging skin for a youthful, glowing complexion.

Need a major cleanse, exfoliation and extraction of impurities?  Optimize your results by adding on the Venus Glow similar to HydraFacial.  This can also be done as a stand alone treatment and has no down time.  Start your transformation with us today!

a woman without a shirt is looking at the camera
a woman is getting a treatment on her face

The Power of Microneedling

Microneedling facials are a transformative skincare treatment that utilizes tiny, sterile needles to stimulate your skin's natural healing process. This process triggers the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for skin elasticity and youthful appearance. The result? Reduced wrinkles, minimized scars, brighter, even toned and smoother skin.   

At BeYouty Med Spa, our microneedling facials go a step further by combining this technique with potent serums like PRP, Exosomes, CBD (best for acneic skin), or Hyaluronic Acid, enhancing the rejuvenation process. Experience the power of microneedling facials and discover a refreshed, revitalized complexion.

close up portrait young bearded man
a man with a beard is getting a treatment on his face

Benefits of Our Microneedling Facials

Natural Skin Rejuvenation

Our microneedling facials trigger your body's innate healing mechanisms, promoting natural skin rejuvenation. This process enhances collagen and elastin production, resulting in firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin.

Customizable Treatments

We offer a variety of microneedling facials, each tailored to address specific skin concerns. Whether you're looking for deep hydration, anti-aging benefits, or soothing care, we have a treatment designed for you.

Minimal Downtime

Despite their effectiveness, our microneedling facials require minimal downtime. You can return to your daily routine shortly after the procedure, making it a convenient choice for those with busy schedules.

Discover Our Range of Microneedling Facials

At BeYouty Med Spa, we offer a suite of specialized microneedling facials tailored to your unique skincare needs.


  • Microneedling with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) utilizes your body's natural healing factors to accelerate skin rejuvenation and repair.
  • Microneedling with Exosomes uses these powerful cell communicators to stimulate regeneration and repair at a cellular level, offering profound anti-aging benefits.
  • Microneedling with CBD harnesses the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD to soothe and calm the skin.
  • Microneedling with Hyaluronic Acid facial ensures deep hydration, leading to plumper, more youthful-looking skin.

Each of these treatments is designed to give you the best results possible, promoting healthier, more radiant skin.

a woman without a shirt is looking at the camera
a woman is getting a treatment on her face
a woman without a shirt is looking at the camera
a woman is getting a treatment on her face

The Microneedling Facial Process

Your journey towards skin transformation begins the moment you step into BeYouty Med Spa. Each microneedling facial session starts with a thorough cleansing of your face, followed by the application of a numbing cream for maximum comfort. Our expert aestheticians then use a microneedling device to create micro-channels in your skin, triggering your body's natural healing process. Depending on your specific needs, we infuse your skin with PRP, Exosomes, CBD, or Hyaluronic Acid for enhanced results. 

Post-treatment, you may experience mild redness and sensitivity, which typically subsides within 24 hours. Our team will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure optimal results and minimal downtime. Over the next few weeks, you'll notice a remarkable improvement in your skin's texture and appearance, with reduced signs of aging and a radiant glow.

a woman without a shirt is smiling and looking at the camera
a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon

Venus Glow™ with Serums

Experience the rejuvenating power of Venus Glow™ with Serums, a unique skin treatment tailored to your skincare needs. This system combines a gentle derma vacuum, a 360-degree rotating tip, and two ultra-fine jet streams to deeply cleanse your skin and unclog pores. Our specially formulated Glow Serums, available in an array of unique blends, are the perfect companion to this process, providing treatments that align perfectly with your individual skin requirements.

Venus Glow™  offers a host of benefits that go beyond traditional skincare. It not only cleanses and opens up your pores but also hydrates your skin and enhances nutrient absorption. The vacuum action, rotating tip, and fine jet streams work together, allowing serums to penetrate deeply, leaving your skin radiant, refreshed, and healthier than ever.  This treatment has no downtime and is the perfect skin prep for many of our other services.  Book a consultation with us to determine which treatments will work best for you!

woman with rejuvenated skin
a woman is getting a facial treatment in a beauty salon .
a woman without a shirt is smiling and looking at the camera
a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon


At BeYouty Med Spa, we understand that you may have questions about our services. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our Microneedling Facials, along with comprehensive answers to help you make an informed decision.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • What skin conditions can Microneedling Facials address?

    Microneedling Facials at BeYouty Med Spa are highly versatile and can effectively address a wide array of skin conditions. These treatments are particularly beneficial for individuals looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, as it stimulates the production of collagen, a key protein that helps maintain skin's elasticity and firmness. 

    Moreover, if you're dealing with textural issues, microneedling can help improve the overall texture of your skin, minimizing pore size and leaving your skin feeling smoother. It's also effective in reducing the appearance of scars, including acne scars and stretch marks, by promoting the generation of new skin cells. By boosting collagen and elastin production, microneedling significantly improves skin elasticity and resilience, giving your skin a youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

  • How long does it take to see results from a Microneedling Facial?

    The timeline to see noticeable results from a Microneedling Facial can vary depending on the individual's skin type and the specific skin concern being treated. However, most clients start seeing improvements in their skin texture and overall appearance after the first session itself. 

    For deeper lines, scars, or more significant skin concerns, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Typically, a series of three to six treatments spaced about a month apart is recommended for optimal results.

    During your initial consultation, our expert providers will evaluate your skin condition and discuss your skincare goals, based on which they will provide a personalized treatment plan, including an estimated timeline for results.

  • Is there any downtime after a Microneedling Facial?

    Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that typically involves minimal  downtime. After the treatment, you might experience some temporary redness and sensitivity in the treated area, similar to a mild sunburn. These effects are completely normal and usually subside within a few days. Makeup can be worn after 24 hours to cover any residual pinkness.  

    We provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. These include keeping the skin clean and hydrated with hylauronic acid serum, avoiding harsh skincare products for a few days post-treatment, and protecting your skin from sun exposure. It's highly recommended to avoid direct sun exposure for a few days after the treatment and to use a high SPF sunscreen to protect your newly rejuvenated skin.

  • What makes Venus Glow™ unique and what can it treat?

    What sets the Venus Glow™ with Serums apart is its unique three-in-one system that guarantees deep pore cleansing and optimal serum absorption. With customizable settings for rotation speeds, jet stream pressures, and vacuum strengths, this system offers a truly personalized skincare treatment tailored to each individual's skin condition.

    This innovative treatment can address a range of skin issues. It can brighten dull skin, improve uneven skin tone, boost skin elasticity, and provide essential moisture. Furthermore, it effectively removes blackheads and whiteheads, controls oily skin, and enhances the effectiveness of your skincare products and other facial therapies. 

    With Venus Glow™ with Serums, you get a comprehensive skincare solution that is as unique as your skin.

  • How long does a Venus Glow™ session take and how soon can I see results?

    A Venus Glow™ session usually takes around 15 minutes, making it a quick and convenient treatment. The best part is there's no downtime; you might experience slight redness that resolves within an hour. 

    As for results, they are immediate! You'll notice your skin looking healthier, cleaner, and more rejuvenated right after each session, giving you an instant glow.


Book Now for a Revitalizing Microneedling Facial!

Ready to experience the transformative power of our Microneedling Facials? It's time to take the first step towards healthier, more radiant skin. Schedule your appointment at BeYouty Med Spa today and let us guide you on your skincare journey. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to provide personalized care and treatments tailored to your unique skincare needs. Don't wait to embrace the skin you've always dreamed of.

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