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Climax & Sex Shot

Elevate your intimate experiences with BeYouty Med Spa's Climax & Sex Shot treatments. Our innovative, non-surgical procedures offer significant improvements in sexual health and performance, helping you to embrace a more fulfilling and satisfying intimate life.

a shirtless man is smiling and pointing at something
Beautiful couple in bed

Understanding Climax & Sex Shots

At BeYouty Med Spa, we offer the transformative Climax & Sex Shot treatments (similar to the  'O' shot and 'P' shot) to enhance your sexual health and intimate experiences. The Climax Shot, designed for women, utilizes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) technology to treat conditions like vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction. It also enhances sensitivity, leading to improved orgasms.

For men, the Sex Shot harnesses PRP to boost sexual performance and pleasure. It can increase penis size, enhance sensitivity, and lead to more frequent, stronger erections. These treatments are non-surgical, safe, and personalized to fit your unique needs, contributing to a healthier, more satisfying intimate life.

wife touching husband's nose
a doctor is holding a syringe and a bottle of liquid

The Benefits Of CLIMAX & SEX SHOTs

Non-Surgical Solutions

Our Climax & Sex Shot treatments offer non-surgical solutions to enhance your sexual health. These minimally invasive treatments use your body's natural healing powers, reducing the risks associated with surgical procedures.

Personalized Treatments

At BeYouty Med Spa, we tailor our Climax & Sex Shot treatments to your unique needs and concerns, ensuring personalized care and optimal results for a more fulfilling intimate life.

Quick and Convenient

Our treatments are quick, typically completed within 30 minutes, and require no downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities immediately post-procedure.

Boosting Sexual Health & Pleasure

At BeYouty Med Spa, we understand the importance of a satisfying and healthy intimate life. Our Climax Shot is a revolutionary treatment for women that uses PRP technology to address common conditions like vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction. This treatment enhances sensitivity, leading to improved orgasms and overall sexual experience.

For men, we offer the Sex Shot, which leverages the power of PRP to enhance sexual performance and pleasure. It can lead to stronger, more frequent erections, increased penis size, and improved sexual stamina. These treatments are designed to boost your sexual health, confidence, and intimate relationships.

a woman covering her face with her hand and smiling
fingers close up couple kissing bed.
a woman covering her face with her hand and smiling
fingers close up couple kissing bed.

Your Climax or Sex Shot Procedure: What to Expect

Your Climax or Sex Shot procedure begins with a thorough consultation to understand your concerns and determine the best treatment plan. On the day of the procedure, we draw a small amount of your blood and extract the PRP using a centrifuge.

The PRP is then injected into the treatment areas. The procedure is usually quick, lasting about 30 minutes, and involves minimal discomfort. Before the treatment, we advise you to stay hydrated, avoid alcohol, and stop taking certain medications as instructed by our specialists. Post-treatment, you can immediately resume your regular activities.

a man and woman are hugging and smiling for the camera
a person is holding a syringe that says 5 ml on it
a man and woman are hugging and smiling for the camera
a person is holding a syringe that says 5 ml on it


We understand that discussing intimate health can raise many questions. To help you make an informed decision about our Climax & Sex Shot services, we've compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How soon can I see results from the Climax or Sex Shot treatment?

    The timeline for experiencing improvements varies between individuals and depends on the specific treatment. Some clients notice a difference immediately after the procedure, while others may see changes gradually over several weeks. The Climax and Sex Shots work by stimulating your body's natural healing and growth processes, so the full effects develop over time. During your consultation, our specialists will provide a more personalized expectation based on your unique needs and treatment plan.

  • Are Climax and Sex Shots painful?

    Your comfort is our priority at BeYouty Med Spa. Most clients report minimal discomfort during the procedure. We use a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area, ensuring the process is as comfortable as possible. You may experience slight soreness or swelling at the injection site post-treatment, but these effects are temporary and typically subside within a few days.

  • Are there any side effects for the Climax or Sex Shot treatments?

    Climax and Sex Shots are generally safe with few side effects. However, as with any medical procedure, there can be potential risks. These may include minor swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site, which usually resolve within a few days. Serious complications are extremely rare. We prioritize patient safety and adhere to stringent protocols to minimize risks. All potential side effects or risks will be thoroughly discussed during your consultation, ensuring you are fully informed before proceeding with the treatment.


Ready to Enhance Your Intimacy? Book Your Appointment Today!

Rediscover the joy of a satisfying and healthy intimate life with BeYouty Med Spa's Climax & Sex Shot treatments. Our personalized, non-surgical procedures are designed to enhance your sexual health and performance, providing you with the confidence and fulfillment you deserve. Don't wait any longer to start your transformation journey with us. Schedule your consultation today and let our team of experts guide you towards achieving your wellness goals.

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